Our People

Joan Brown

Joan has a background in secondary education and her doctorate focused on the disconnected transitions for school-leavers with additional support needs.

Joan Brown

Mary’s experience working for Adult Basic Education means she knows only too well the many barriers which can lead to disempowerment in the community.

Mary Gibbon

Jill Dawson

Jill is currently a secondary school support teacher led Junior Rangers, in liaison with the Fife Ranger Service, and many of her pupils gained John Muir Awards, some at gold level.

Jill Dawson

Alana Brown

Alana has a special knowledge of learning disabilities.  As a Supported Employment service user herself, Alana has direct links with potential beneficiaries.

Alana Paterson-Brown

Elizabeth (Libby) has a background in community development, having worked as a Community Learning Co-ordinator, as a peer educator for Syrian refugee families and as an artist and tutor within the community. Libby is also the current President of Howe of Fife Rotary Club. Libby’s extensive experience in working within the community and in maintaining professional links makes her an ideal trustee to help to bring Lucky Ewe forward.

Elizabeth Elliot


Abby-Leigh has a strong interest in working with sheep, cows and chickens. As someone with autism, Abby has found that these farm animals, in particular, have a calming effect. Working with the sheep at Lucky Ewe creates a therapeutic environment for herself and others with autism. As a trustee and volunteer working on the farm, Abby now brings to Lucky Ewe valuable personal experience and knowledge: Abby is currently undertaking an Apprenticeship at two local dairy farms.


Hazel Fletcher

Hazel spent much of her working life in a senior role in a market research agency and so she brings a range of business management, marketing and IT skills to her role as a trustee at Lucky Ewe. After years in an office, she is loving being outside working with the sheep and the land.  As a parent to a child on the autistic spectrum, she knows first-hand the difference that positive, affirming experiences and the right type of support can make to the lives and outcomes of young people with different needs.

Hazel Fletcher

Video Diary

STV 21st Oct 2024

STV 21st Oct 2024

Collecting Honey

Collecting Honey

19th April 2021

19th April 2021

5th April 2021

5th April 2021

29th March 2021

29th March 2021

22nd March 2021

22nd March 2021

15th March 2021

15th March 2021

8th March 2021

8th March 2021

March 1st 2021

March 1st 2021

February 22nd 2021

February 22nd 2021

February 22nd 2021

February 22nd 2021

February 1st 2021

February 1st 2021

February 1st 2021

February 1st 2021

January 25th 2021

January 25th 2021

Lucky Ewe Cupar
Lucky Ewe

Bonnyton Farm, KY8 5PF
(please enter this postcode if visiting farm)

07817 278630

Registered Charity: SCIO 050034
15 Ceres Road, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5JT